
Foods that boost activity and provide your body with energy

Are you looking for foods that enhance activity, provide your body with energy and vitality, allowing you to perform all tasks without weakening and fatigue, here are ten foods from Anna Salwa that enhance activity and vitality
1- Oats

No more than 166 calories per cup of oats. Oats are rich in many vitamins and minerals, and if some fruits are added to them, they provide a complete healthy meal.

2- Popcorn

Popcorn can be a useful and energizing snack, thanks to its carbohydrates and fibre. Also, each cup of popcorn contains no more than 31 calories.

3- Dark chocolate

According to Healthline, the antioxidants in cocoa provide many health benefits, as well as boosting mental energy and mood. A 30-gram piece of dark chocolate contains 153 calories.

4- Brown rice

Brown rice helps convert carbohydrates and proteins in the body into energy because it is high in manganese. The fiber in brown rice, according to Healthline, also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which helps maintain stable energy levels throughout the day. Each cup of brown rice provides 218 calories.

5- Hummus

Nutrition experts advise eating a meal consisting of chickpeas, sesame seeds, oil and lemon to get a good source of energy, noting that each tablespoon of chickpeas contains 27 calories.

6- Lentils

Each cup of lentils provides 230 calories. Northwestern Medicine explains, "The combination of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber, obtained from eating half a cup of cooked lentils, gives great energy, especially as it is rich in folate, iron, manganese and zinc."

7- Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the most important fruits in the summer, as it contains approximately 91% water and 46 calories per cup of watermelon cubes. Watermelon is useful in overcoming any fatigue as a result of dehydration, and its components of natural sugars, fiber and antioxidants give the body energy.

8- Strawberry

Each cup of strawberries provides 46 calories, as does watermelon. Vitamin C and antioxidants in strawberries help fight infections in the body, and overcome the feeling of fatigue and tiredness.

9- Apple

Apples provide the perfect blend of natural sugars, fiber, and a high percentage of antioxidants. According to Healthline, research has shown that antioxidants help slow the digestion of carbohydrates, so they release energy over a longer period of time. You can get about 95 calories from each medium apple.

10- Banana

Bananas contain 105 calories per medium-sized fruit. It is a snack rich in carbohydrates, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium, all of which help increase energy.

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