
If you have acne, here are some tips

Tips for the stage of acne?

If you have acne, here are some tips

The problem of acne is one of the most prominent cosmetic problems that threaten the integrity of our skin, and acne does not appear in the face area only, but goes beyond that to the areas of the neck, chest, shoulders and back as well, and the biggest annoying problem in acne is the effects that remain in the skin such as dark color and pits and scars.

acne It is small black pills, which later turn into small internal fatty bags, inflamed by microbes, and then appear as large white pills.

When does the problem of acne begin to appear?

If you have acne, here are some tips

Acne appears during puberty due to hormonal changes and internal chemical factors, when the gonads begin to function.

The most common causes of acne:

If you have acne, here are some tips

Its secretion increases in women during and after menstruation and during pregnancy as well.

It also appears due to lack of vitamins and constipation.

It spreads quickly in the body and is difficult to remove, as it leaves scars on the skin, and affects the behavior of the psychologically and morally affected person.

Here are some tips if you have acne:

If you have acne, here are some tips
  1. Don't squeeze the pills
  2. Stop using regular soap
  3. Do not use cosmetics or products that contain sulfur or spirits
  4. Do not use combination detergents
  5. Use a special cleanser, consisting of water and oil, then remove the lotion and clean your face with water and dry it well.
  6. Don't get too much sun
  7. Drink enough water
  8. Use only cotton towels
  9. Wipe off make-up before you go to sleep
  10. Moisturizing helps the skin to get rid of the buildup in the pores.

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