
Nosebleed between causes and prevention

How do we deal with a nosebleed?


Nosebleeds are common in summer, especially in children.
Often the mother becomes afraid and confused when a nosebleed occurs in her child, and the fear increases if she does not know how to deal with it, although the situation is often simple and not dangerous..
The most common type of nosebleed in children is in front of the nasal septum because of the abundance of blood vessels. Any bruising or bruising causes bleeding and this is the common form
Nosebleeds may occur in a child spontaneously or after exposure to dry air, playing in the sun, or picking his nose with his finger.


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How do we act in this situation??

Dealing with the issue requires calm and not frightening the child, because his crying increases the bleeding
- We ask baby He lowers his head down, not up, as is common in our society, and presses moderately for 5 _ 10 minutes on both sides of the nose and the child breathes through his mouth..
- Cold compresses or ice packs can be placed on the sides of the nose and neck, thus causing vasoconstriction and stopping the bleeding.
Cleaning the nose vigorously after the bleeding stops: any strong movement of the nose during the first hours after the bleeding stops, increases the risk of it happening again, so it is better to be careful and deal very gently with the nose until 12 hours have passed after the bleeding stops


Humidify the air around baby Continuously use nasal saline sprays to get rid of dry nose, and use ointments before the child sleeps
In the event that the nosebleed recurs significantly, a doctor can be consulted, where a cauterization of the bleeding site can be done using electrical or chemical coagulation (silver nitrate), which can greatly reduce the nosebleed and even disappear
Of course, these are the common causes of a nosebleed, and it is very possible that behind this symptom is a disease or another pathological cause that led to this nosebleed, and then the disease must be treated, wishing health and safety for all.


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