
The queues turned a waiting person into a company owner

The queues turned a waiting person into a company owner

Robert Samuel did not think that his boredom and tiredness from waiting in a queue in New York would be a reason to reap profits later. The idea came to Samuel after he sold his place in the queue to buy an iPhone after 19 hours of waiting.

Where he placed an advertisement in which he offered to wait for anyone who wanted to buy the phone for $100 so that a customer would pay him for that.. despite the idea of ​​buying being canceled later, so that Samuel resold his place, making a profit of $325 after hours of waiting..

Then he decided to be the #queuingman who gets the boring work of many New Yorkers done, and he gets paid $25 for the first waiting hour and $10 for every extra half hour..in one week, he can make up to $1000..

Samuel found this venture so profitable that he made a name for himself and created SOLD Inc. In December 2012. In addition to working as a doorman for a luxury building in Brooklyn, Samuel's friends even come forward to help, turn into his employees, and when he acquires a new client, he sends a group text message to about a dozen friends to see who wants the job.

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