
Cinnamon has properties to stimulate memory

Cinnamon has properties to stimulate memory

Cinnamon has properties to stimulate memory

According to what was published by the Medical Express website, cinnamon can have other beneficial properties for human health, as studies show that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties, and it can also boost the immune system.

The results of some scientific research have also shown that cinnamon's bioactive compounds can enhance brain function, especially memory and learning, but these results have not yet been proven with certainty.

Nutritional Neuroscience

A team of international researchers in medical sciences recently reviewed several previous studies exploring the effects of cinnamon on cognitive function.

The results of their analyzes, based on nutritional neuroscience, highlight the potential value of cinnamon in preventing or reducing memory or learning impairment.

The research paper stated that the study “aimed to systematically review studies on the relationship between cinnamon and its main components in memory and learning. Two thousand six hundred and five studies were collected from different databases in September 2021 and analyzed for eligibility. Forty studies met the necessary process criteria and [therefore] were included in the systematic review.”

Positive effect of cinnamon and its components

The authors extracted data relevant to all of these studies, including the author, year of publication, compound or type of cinnamon used, study population, sample sizes, doses of cinnamon or its bioactive components used, gender and age of participants, duration, method of consumption, and results obtained. The systematic review then assessed the quality and reliability of the studies in view of their design, sample size, inclusion criteria, and other methodological aspects.

Overall, most of the systematically reviewed studies suggested that cinnamon can positively affect both memory and cognitive function.

Activate and prevent the deterioration of cognitive function

The researchers said: “In vivo studies have shown that the use of cinnamon or its components, such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, and cinnamic acid, can lead to a positive change in cognitive function, in addition to that adding cinnamon or cinnamaldehyde to a cellular medium can increase cell vitality.” .

The researchers added, “Most studies reported that cinnamon [could] be beneficial for preventing and reducing impairment of cognitive function. It can be used as an aid in the treatment of related diseases. But more studies need to be done on this topic.”

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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