
Nine signs that tell you if he is miserly

Nine signs that tell you if he is miserly

Nine signs that tell you if he is miserly

1- Miserliness and generosity are inferred from the ratio of spending compared to income. If his income level is good, watch whether he spends on his welfare or tends to austerity.

2- A lot of complaining about distress and high prices, even if his words are true, but the large number of complaints is a sign of miserliness.

3- He suggests to himself and to others that picnics and trips do not appeal to him and that he does not like luxurious places.

4- He does not enjoy a meal if he is going to pay for it.

5- He is stingy in showing his emotions, and his constant slogan is that he has a weakness in his ability to express his feelings.

6- If one of his parents possesses this trait, it will most likely be present in him.

7- He avoids serving and helping others, even in non-material matters.

8- He does not give gifts except on occasions and he may not give them at all.

9- If he offers you a plan to go abroad, his question will be (what are you drinking), that is, he will specify the type of request for you, or he will ask for himself first so that you know what the scope of your request is.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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