
Learn about matcha... and its most important health properties

What is matcha tea .. and what are its health benefits for what?

Learn about matcha... and its most important health properties
Matcha grows differently and has unique nutritional properties. Farmers grow matcha by covering the tea plants 20-30 days before harvest to avoid direct sunlight. This increases chlorophyll production, boosts amino acid content, and gives the plant a dark green color. Once the tea leaves are harvested, the stems and veins are removed and the leaves are ground into a fine powder known as matcha.
 Matcha contains nutrients from the entire tea leaf, resulting in more caffeine and more antioxidants than typically found in green tea.

Learn about matcha... and its most important health properties
 Here are the main health benefits of matcha tea:   
  1.  Matcha contains a concentrated amount of antioxidants, which may reduce cell damage and prevent chronic disease.
  2.  Matcha tea prevents liver damage and reduces the risk of liver disease.
  3.  Matcha has been shown to improve attention and memory. It also contains caffeine and L-theanine, which can improve many brain functions.
  4.  Compounds in matcha tea inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  5.   Matcha reduces many heart disease risk factors.

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