
Eight important information about the Corona virus

Eight important information about the Corona virus

Eight important information about the Corona virus

1- How long does corona live on surfaces and materials? 

Iron 12-20 hours

Cloth 6-12 hours

2- What is the size of the Corona virus? 

Corona virus is heavy in weight and large in size (400-500 nanometers), which means that it falls to the ground and the base of the shoes is the center of contamination.

Do not enter the house with your shoes, and for the same reason, any mask is sufficient for the purpose, provided that it is dry and replaced regularly.

3- At what temperature does the Corona virus live? 

Lives in cold up to -60 degrees below zero and dies at +30 degrees above zero.

4- Is it necessary to wash clothes after each time?

It is not necessary to wash all the clothes you use daily, sunlight and heat from the heater are enough to kill the virus.

5- What do we drink? 

Drinks and hot liquids in general (tea, coffee - useful healthy herbs)

And stay away from a lot of drinks and cold food.

It is also recommended to chew gum to moisten the throat with mouth saliva.

6- Does it cross the skin? 

Corona virus does not run, does not walk, and does not cross the skin of a normal, healthy person. It lives on the skin for only 10 minutes, so the most important thing is not to touch your face, eyes and nose.

7- What is the washing method? 

It is easy to eliminate corona virus with hot water and regular cleaning materials available at home.

And always wash hands with hot water.

8- The virus lives on steel surfaces for 20 days, so you should pay attention to door handles, elevator panels and tables made of steel. 

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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