Famous People

Jennifer Lopez denies breaking up with fiancé Alex Rodriguez

Jennifer Lopez denies breaking up with fiancé Alex Rodriguez 

In the past hours, the media and social media have been buzzing with the news of Jennifer Lopez's separation from her fiancé, Alex Rodriguez.

It did not take long for Jennifer Lopez to deny the rumor, and that all the news that was circulated is just lies and nonsense, confirming that she and her fiancé Alex Rodriguez are together forever.

According to a source close to Jennifer Lopez, the rumors that Alex was having an affair with Madison Lockroy, did not have any effect on them, but the separation had already been discussed previously, but other problems far from betrayal, but it did not happen. She went through many shocks and did not separate.

A source close to Jennifer Lopez says that she works in the Dominican Republic and Alex in Miami, and it is difficult to see each other due to the quarantine and Corona conditions, but they are trying to stay together.

Jennifer Lopez splits from fiance Alex Rodriguez

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