Famous People

Diana Karazon Was the wedding a video clip and not a wedding

The news of Jordanian actress Diana Karazon's marriage is still in the media headlines, but an unexpected surprise occurred in the past hours, and some questioned the reality of the wedding.

Diana Karazon's wedding 

As for the reason, Diana Karazon's sister, Zain Karazon, appeared in a video on the Snapchat app, confirming that what happened was not a wedding, but a video clip for a new song starring Moaz Al-Omari.


Zain Karazon said in the video, "We are not two workers A wedding, we are on a filming site, we are sitting and filming a new video clip, she and Moaz, and God willing, you will see it soon at Diana’s account.”

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The video of Zain Karazon puzzled the followers and asked: Did Diana Karazon deceive the audience with a fake marriage to promote a new song?

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