
A Brazilian fortune teller predicts the winner of the World Cup Predicted before the death of the Queen, Corona and many other things

Brazilian fortune teller Athos Salome, nicknamed “The Living Nostradamus”, predicted that the Argentine national team would win the 2022 FIFA World Cup title in Qatar.
According to the British newspaper “Daily Star”, Salome succeeded in the matter correctly when he insisted that the Argentine and French teams would reach the final match of the Qatar World Cup 2022, before its launch in Qatar on November 20.
And the expectations of the Brazilian “fortune teller” were fulfilled, when he nominated Argentina’s victory over Croatia in the semi-finals of the tournament, and France’s victory over Morocco, which paved the way for a confrontation epic.

And the predictions of “the living Nostradamus” were previously fulfilled when he correctly predicted the arrival of the Corona virus “Covid-19” and the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Athos-Salome's previous correct predictions earned him the nickname Nostradamus, after the French philosopher who predicted events long into the future during his lifetime.
Athos-Salomé now claims that he envisioned this year's World Cup winner before Sunday's encounter, and said of his predictions for the final match of the tournament: "Unfortunately for France, my senses told me that Argentina would emerge victorious in the end."
The newspaper "Daily Star" indicated that Athos Salome makes his predictions based on a system called "Kabbalah" for analyzing mathematical probabilities.
According to the "Kabbalah" system, his calculations showed that he gave Argentina the number 8, which he said represented: "the beginning of a new cycle, the receiving and practicing of what has been done."
This can be attributed roleLionel Messi is set to play in his last World Cup final, while fellow striker Julian Alvarez is in his first tournament.

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On the other hand, France was given the number 7 by the Kabbalah and Salome, quoting the mathematician Pythagoras, said: "Since time immemorial, the number 7 has been undoubtedly the most present in all philosophy and sacred literature, which also makes it the number 7 sacred, perfect and powerful."
But the number 7 is not strong enough to grant victory to France, as Salome says: “The law of the seven understands that the universe consists of forces that affect each other, and therefore nothing remains the same, it either develops or deteriorates.”

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