
Ten changes in your life to increase your productivity

Ten changes in your life to increase your productivity

Ten changes in your life to increase your productivity

Increasing productivity should be an uncomplicated matter, and it can even be easy by making some small routine changes in one’s life, according to what came in the context of a report published by the “Hack Spirit” website, whose details Al examined to select the most important points as follows:

1. Getting up early

Some people like to sleep in for as long as possible, but starting the day a little earlier will give extra time to plan what will be done throughout the day and possibly start some tasks, especially since people are more focused and energetic in the early morning. Of course, you can compensate by going to bed a little earlier.

2. Make a to-do list

Making a to-do list can do wonders when it comes to productivity, especially if there are a lot of tasks that a person needs to get done. The to-do list can be prepared early in the morning which helps in increasing productivity as it allows room to focus on getting done throughout the day in an organized manner.

3. Prioritization

When preparing a to-do list, experts stress the need to prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency. By making sure that the most important tasks are tackled first, the person will ensure that he spends the most time on things that are of priority and importance.

4. Exclusion of peripheral matters

Apologizing for personal or other needs and requests opens doors to increased productivity. One should not be afraid to say “no” imagining that he will let the other down, if in fact he cannot bear to do a task because it may negatively affect his productivity and the quality of his work. The solution is to say no to tasks and commitments that are not compatible with the goals and priorities of life.

5. Eliminate distractions

If a person cannot get rid of distractions, they should strive to reduce them as much as possible. For example, before he sits down to work, he can make sure to turn off alerts and notifications on his smartphone and computer. Some people may need to set the phone to “silent” mode.

6. Regular breaks

It may seem like sitting for 8 straight hours is the best way to be more productive, but it's not. It turns out that taking regular breaks (as counterintuitive as it may seem) can help a person be more productive.

Breaks can help reduce stress levels, recharge energy, and help refocus once you get back to work.

7. Practice one task

It has been proven that multitasking leads to a 40% decrease in productivity, because the human brain simply cannot do two things at the same time. It may seem at first glance that multitasking sometimes helps speed up achievement, but it turns out that focusing on one task at a time gives each task full attention, which leads to its completion in a timely manner and with high quality.

8. Exercise regularly

Another way to increase productivity is to engage in physical activity during the day. You can do the following:
• Do a quick workout before work, such as walking or riding a bike to work if possible.
Go out for a short walk during your lunch break.
• Stand up and do some stretching exercises every hour.
Exercise boosts energy levels and enhances mental clarity, so it's a must-have to help increase productivity.

9. Take advantage of technology

While certain technology can hinder productivity, other types of technology can actually help increase it. For example, productivity apps, time-tracking tools, and project management software can be used to streamline workflows and ensure consistency. Simply put, there is a need to take advantage of all available technologies to help increase productivity.

10. Reflection and review

Experts recommend taking a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on what you've accomplished throughout the day, identify any areas for improvement, and plan for the next day. A short period of regular reflection and review will enhance self-awareness and make room for continued growth and improved productivity.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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