
How do you act if he starts changing towards you?

1- Do not show him that you are worried about his change, even if you wonder a lot about the reasons, pretend not to pay attention.

If he changed him with you with the intention of making you anxious, do not achieve his goal in seeing you anxious, but overcome him by pretending to be ignorant.

2- Avoid reproach, because the answer will not satisfy you, he may find excuses that will not convince you, but will cause you psychological harm.

3- Do not ask him for attention or his treatment that was in the past, as the demand weakens his enthusiasm

4- Men usually move away when problems increase and they need a space of freedom, give him this space to come back to you with longing

5- Make him feel you care, but not excessively

6- If you feel that this change has become in the form of neglect and constant grumbling about all your actions, then stay away from it a little and calmly.

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http://عشرة عادات خاطئة تؤدي إلى تساقط الشعر ابتعدي عنها

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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