
How do you deal with an insensitive man?

How do you deal with an insensitive man?

How do you deal with an insensitive man?

Since you have searched for an article of this type, you are classified as a person with a great affliction, dealing with people without feelings or feelings is a very difficult matter and depends on dealing with intelligence and wisdom only because of the lack of emotion side that facilitates solving many things.... Here are several ways to deal with this man:

Playing the chord of selfishness

A person without feeling is not a person who is completely devoid of feeling, but rather feels himself.. and only himself. His choices in women fall on the one who makes him feel more self-confident and enhances in himself the feeling of vanity and gives him the satisfaction of attention. You have to give him this feeling, but you and To satisfy him with his sense of himself because he will covet and search for others, step forward sometimes and stop at other times so that he remembers your presence and your need for a little attention from him.

don't tie him up 

He is often a person free from restrictions, even with his family. He is a person who is accustomed to being separated from his emotions, so you must completely stay away from restricting him to any matter, his reaction will be harsh. Present your opinion and do not impose it and completely stay away from the method of investigation.

pretend you exist

It may make you feel that your presence is like non-existence, does not care and does not care and does not try to pay attention to your desires, even for that you have to impose your presence, but wisely and cautiously and not by reproach and complaint

You have to take care of yourself as he takes care of himself. Do not be a sacrifice at the expense of yourself. Make him notice your presence against his nose. Love and pamper yourself.

Be flexible and have fun 

You have to be his friend so that he becomes close to you and becomes soft and affectionate, entertainment and joking attract him, and as we said, he stays away from feeling restricted, and if he feels safe and that he can talk to you without barriers, this will melt the ice that envelops his heart and make him more attached to you.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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