
How to make yourself the center of their hearts and minds

How to make yourself the center of their hearts and minds

How to make yourself the center of their hearts and minds

Show interest in people

If we want to win friends, let us put ourselves at the service of other people, and let us extend to them a sincere and useful hand free of selfishness and self-interest.


Facial expressions speak in a voice that is deeper than the tongue. For that, make your smile permanent for everyone who receives it. A smile spreads happiness at home, and good remembrance at work, and it is the signing of the pact of love between friends.

Call the other person your favorite name

 The most beautiful thing our ears can hear are our names.

Ask your interviewer questions that you think he or she will be happy to answer 

Encourage him to talk about himself and his work and the field in which he specializes, and remember that your speaker cares about himself, his desires and his problems a hundred times more than he cares about you and your problems. Be a good listener, and encourage the speaker to talk about himself.

Speak to your speaker

If you can, try to find out what makes the other person happy before meeting them.

Why do you always talk about what you love? Obviously, you love what you love and will always love it, but your speaker may not share this love with you, so the best way to influence the other person is to talk to him about what he loves and desires, and show him how to obtain it.

We all love to feel appreciated

 Always make the other person feel important, and let's give others what we like to be given

Be humble as much as you can, for people are alienated from those who are superior to them 

And avoid talking about your advantages, your virtues and your achievements, and let the other person notice them, but show your interest and appreciation for every detail of his work, no matter how simple it is for you.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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