
How do you forget someone you love abandoned you?

It is the most difficult question, which no matter how hard we try to ask answers about it, the definite answer remains unknown, nothing can make you forget a love you dreamed of for years or someone you attached your heart to, except you, it is not easy to forget and follow life as if nothing had happened.

You are nostalgic and ask yourself, am I able to complete the road alone?

Will you hold yourself together when you see the pictures that bring you together, will you cry when his name is mentioned? 

Today in Ana Salwa, and from the experiences of people who have gone through the same stage - and many of them are - we have summarized for you a set of solutions that will help you forget someone who has betrayed your heart, or separated you from time for some circumstance.

Focus on your professional success

How do you forget who abandoned you?

After the breakup, you may find a lot of time ahead, which you would normally spend arranging yourself to go out with him or spend him anywhere with him. Of course, you used to take five minutes before work, and during every hour of work, and shorten the work to meet him or talk to him on the phone, all this time is yours now, and the best way to take advantage of it is to allocate it to do something useful that will bring you success. Of course, you can allocate it to someone else, but the experience is your precious time that you should invest in developing your business.

Remember the worst attitudes he had towards you

How do you forget who abandoned you?

Whatever happens between the two of you, you can spend a lot of time thinking about giving him another chance. So, whether it is a list of its positives and negatives, or a copy of a very strong email I sent you during one of the problems you faced, do not compromise your dignity, and strengthen your steadfastness with these negatives that left a big impact in your life with him.

Meet someone else, and open your heart again to love

How do you forget who abandoned you?

Ask your friends about how they've forgotten about an ex, and you'll likely hear something like, "You should go out and meet new people!" (If you were a man the advice would probably be “Let’s go have a drink and meet the girls!”) But simply get back into your social life as soon as possible. It may surprise you how many people want to talk to you, who respect and appreciate you, unlike the person you loved and left you.

Do not talk about him and do not cry because of his separation in front of one of your friends

How do you forget who abandoned you?

When your heart is broken, it is very easy to sit with friends and talk about all this pain you are feeling because their duty is to support and help you get up again, but beware that this becomes your permanent habit, you may suddenly be without a lover and without friends too. If you talk too much about the past, stop now. Your message has arrived from day one. Train yourself to talk about other things with your friends, and you will find that you have completely forgotten about it.

Boost your confidence

How do you forget who abandoned you?

Turn your anger into fuel to use in exercise, for example, or to do any other hobby that makes you feel in control of things. Don't let all the negative energy around you obsess over you, but direct it into activities that are beneficial to you and your body.

Knife is your staunch strength

How do you forget who abandoned you?

Whatever the end of your love story, there are stories more uglier than yours, so close the door behind you and go on a trip to nature, whether it is for a long walk, or camping or to visit a country that you have always wanted to visit. It's easy to feel useless especially after your lover puts you on the shelf, but only you can prove otherwise. Loneliness kills all good and beautiful feelings, so do not let it kill you, and go outside, away from the cage in which you imprisoned yourself, and you will find that life does not stop with one person, but embraces everyone who embraces it, and revives it again.

Get rid of everything that might remind you of him

How do you forget who abandoned you?

Yes, get rid of all the messages that remind you of the past, I waited two years before throwing all the letters and pictures and distributing toys, candles and gifts that remind me of him, but I did it and then I was free forever. I've been in my desk drawer for a long time, and though it's inanimate, it has controlled my emotions every day. So get rid of it and you will feel free, a reborn without a painful past.

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