
There is no graying after today... How do you prevent the appearance of graying from your hair?

Do not waste a lot of money on products to restore color to your hair, the cause cannot be treated in this way, as well as baldness. So, how do you protect your hair from falling out and at the same time, how do you stop the time factor from penetrating your hair characteristics, as there is no white, gray or silver hair, how? You leave in your hair the luster of youth and the vitality of youth. Let us follow together the results of the latest American studies on hair care.

The results of this study, published in the scientific website "Nature", indicated that eating certain meals leads to hair loss and graying of the hair alike. And these meals can lead to the occurrence of a range of skin diseases.

Harmful diets

The study stated that those meals are the ones that contain large amounts of animal food, and therefore animal fats known as saturated fat, white sugar, sugary foods, soda, fried foods, and any preserved meals that contain large amounts of fat, sugar, and additives.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins University, these eating habits cause weight gain and the risk of heart disease, as well as cause hair to become gray and thinner, and skin and skin weakness as well.

Negative effect

The researchers revealed that the reason is that a fatty diet disrupts the production of glycosynolipids, known for short as GLS, which are fats that are found on the upper layer in all cells of the body. GLS fats control the pigmentation of the skin, eyes and hair, and in the case of eating poor healthy diets, the production of these fats decreases and hair loss and premature graying occur.


The researchers also found that a diet high in fat and cholesterol - the diet most people eat daily - negatively affect 3 lipids linked to skin health. Fats and fat-like substances that the body uses to perform a number of functions help provide the energy needed to help produce hormones, such as lipid ceramides, which are found in the cell membranes and help keep the skin moisturized, and whose levels in cells decrease when eating meals rich in fat and cholesterol. The same applies to the level of glucosylamide, which is another fat that protects the skin. In contrast, the levels of lactosylcerides, which cause dermatitis, increased to 3 times the normal rates as a result of continuing to eat harmful diets saturated with fats and cholesterol.

Appropriate diets

The researchers recommend that everyone be keen to switch to a diet that is beneficial for health and for the general appearance at the same time by following the following:

Avoid these products

Everyone should make sure to read the labels on all prepared, preserved or packaged meals before purchasing and avoid foods that contain artificial ingredients, harmful fats and excessive amounts of sugar.

vegetarian meals

It is recommended to eat more plant foods, and everyone should know that if they eat more vegetables, they will get what their bodies need in protein or calcium. You should start eating less meat and dairy (which are high in unhealthy fats, among other issues).

Harmless protein sources

Eat more protein-rich foods such as nuts (unsalted almonds, walnuts and cashews, seeds such as flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds, legumes such as chickpeas and beans, and plant-based alternatives to meat, milk and cheese.

colorful foods

The nutritional content of many foods can be recognized initially by their bright colors, such as: yellow peppers, orange carrots or squash, red tomatoes and grapes, to name a few. A wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily.

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