
Why do we look older. Learn about the influence of genetics on our bodies

Why do some people age before others who are their age? Is this due to a genetic factor?

The answer is that the genetic factor has an influence to some extent, but the greatest influence is the actual life in which the individual lives. Do you breathe fresh air or rotten polluted? Does he drink pure water or replace it with other harmful drinks? How does he prepare his food and where does he grow the plants he eats?

The soil in which the edible plant grows has a great influence on the length or shortness of life; And this is not only because if we have the appropriate nutritious food that is expensive, we may spoil it by the way we prepare it, or the way we eat it; That is, in an atmosphere of fun and pleasure, or in an atmosphere of nervous irritability and family conflict.

What is important is not what we eat, but what our body absorbs from the food, as this is what strengthens or weakens us.

Man is a strange creature that seeks with all his might to save his life in the hour of danger, but he throws it and throws it aside when he sits down at the dining table; He may be fortunate descended from strong ancestors, but because of his ignorance and neglect destroys what he inherited from these ancestors. What matters is not the number of years we live, but the food we choose for ourselves.

Why do we look older. Learn about the influence of genetics on our bodies

live wisely live long

Years do not affect our health more than food does. If this food is not suitable, we lose our activity even if we are young; We lose our freshness and beauty, even if we are in the prime of youth, because of our ignorance of healthy life. We rise in the morning only half alive, while we should be more energetic and energetic after a full night's rest.

What is your attitude to life, you see?

Are you enjoying your full installment in life? Do you see that you are getting closer to your goals and objectives day after day? Or are you one of those unfortunate ones who are tired of life and get bored of it? Or you get out of bed in the morning as if you are half alive, and you do your work in a weak state, until evening comes, and you go back to bed again to spend another night in which you do not sleep or sleep, and therefore there is no rest. If this is the case, then know that there is something dangerous in your body that you should pay attention to; It could be an imbalance in your body chemicals, or it could be caused by bad habits in your way of life that you need to change. Do not despair, but make sure that you have room to fix the situation if you know how to fix your way of living.

Nothing accelerates us to old age and robs us of our freshness and beauty like our neglect of health laws. If we want to preserve our vitality, we must choose for ourselves the best that nature can offer us. Premature aging is not inevitable, but we bring it on ourselves and we can avoid it if we follow good healthy ways in our lives.

Let us now begin to give this matter due attention; Let us change our ways of living if they are not wise; and look at life with a new look; We walk in it according to its best and highest requirements, and a sea full of activity, energy, joy and pleasure opens before us.

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