
What are the highest salaries in the world? Who gets these salaries?

At first, the numbers seem imaginary and even shocking. Is there really such a salary in the world? The answer is yes, it is among the lucky ones, senior managers who were the object of anger during the global financial crisis ten years ago, returned to stir controversy in Britain, after they It increased by 23% over the past year, bringing the average income of the heads of companies listed in the “FTSE 100” index to about 7 million and 250 thousand dollars.

This comes compared to an increase of only 2.5% in the average wages of the rest of the employees, which is about 37 dollars.

In the clearest example, Jeff_Fairburn, CEO of Persimmon, earned a monthly salary of $5 million in the last fiscal year, a 20-fold increase compared to 2016.

This means that he received an annual sum of $ 60 million, which is the highest wage among the 100 largest companies listed in Britain.

Simon Peckham, CEO of Melrose Industries, comes in second place, with a monthly salary of $4.5 million, meaning that he earned an annual salary of $55 million.

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