
What are the things that each sign does not like the other?

What are the things that each sign does not like the other?


The scale does not like hesitation and diplomacy, because pregnancy is frank and does not like to go along

the Bull 

A Sagittarius does not like quick irritability and multiple relationships


Virgo doesn't like criticism as if he knows everything, Gemini likes to live on his whim


Gemini does not like his indifference and mockery of his feelings

the lion

The whale does not like his isolation and his dreams and considers them imaginary illusions


Cancer does not like his stubbornness with wrong things and his concealment


The lion does not like the way he thinks about himself only and does not care about the feelings of others

The scorpion

Gemini does not like not keeping secrets

the bow 

He does not like pregnancy, his constant rush and sensitivity


The bull does not like his slowness and malice


Capricorn does not like to impose restrictions and orders, and considers his eagerness to be an unwelcome interference


Aquarius does not like to hide his feelings and not reveal them

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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