
What is the first look you take for each sign?

What is the first look you take for each sign?

Aries: you find him a strong personality with sharp features, he attracts you with his strangeness and independence of thoughts.

Taurus: His features and good behavior fascinate you, but his silence may frighten you, as he often doubts those around him for fear of emotional trauma because he is very loyal.

Gemini: He attracts you immediately. He is very social and reaches the hearts of all age groups, cultural and social groups, but you will be surprised if his mood changes within a few minutes.

Cancer: From the first meeting, you will discover his transparency and affection, and he seeks to trust people, and if he feels comfortable with you, he will tell you his secrets as if you have been his friend for years.

Leo: He surprises you with his tact and sophistication. You will not be afraid of the sharpness of his intelligence. He is able to discuss with you in all areas.

Virgo: You find him practical, busy, and a lot of criticism, but his criticism is in the right place, as you will learn from him to organize your life, thoughts and actions.

Libra: One of the people you are most comfortable with and whose words and discussions with them make you happy. Peaceful and loving people

Scorpio: Our judgment on Scorpios is often harsh, but in fact, he is tender and has a lot of tenderness, provided that he loves you.

Sagittarius: From the first meeting you will think that you have known him for many years, he will joke with you and make you share the details of his life with him.

Capricorn: He finds it difficult to communicate his good intentions to those around him. You see him talk a lot about ideals, and he really strives for this and searches for idealism in people.

Aquarius: The first thing that appears to you is his coldness and indifference, but after you know him, you will discover his intelligence and the loyalty of his friendship.

Whale: Its features are very beautiful, as you will see it, it is like a crystal that is easy to scratch. You will fear for it yourself

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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