
Is hyaluronic acid a solution for dark circles?

Is hyaluronic acid a solution for dark circles?

Is hyaluronic acid a solution for dark circles?

Cosmetic injections have been able to prove their effectiveness in various fields, from smoothing wrinkles to enlarging lips and plumping cheeks, but their use has recently expanded to treat dark circles. Is she really able to secure a radical solution to this common problem among women and men alike?

Dermatologists distinguish between different types of dark circles:

Hollow halos:
It results from a cavity in the vicinity of the eyes that is visible from birth or emergent due to aging of the tissues and what it causes of thinning of the skin, loss of the fatty layer, and relaxation of the muscles.

• Halos accompanied by pockets:

They are caused by fluid retention in the lower eyelids or by an accumulation of fat in this area with age.

Blue halos:

When the skin loses its thickness, the blood vessels begin to appear, which causes the dark circles to turn blue.

Brown halos:

It results from the accumulation of melanin pigment in the area around the eyes, and its causes are usually ethnic and genetic.
It should be noted that each type of these auras has a special treatment, and that several types of auras can come together in the same person.

Hyaluronic acid benefit:

Hyaluronic acid injection treatment is ideal for getting rid of hollow circles that make eyes look tired. This treatment fills the hollow, thus unifying the eye contour area and restoring radiance to it. This treatment is also useful in the case of halos accompanied by pockets, as it allows to overcome dark circles and hide pockets at the same time. It is also useful in treating blue circles, as it increases the thickness of the skin and contributes to concealing the blood vessels that are the reason for the appearance of these circles. However, it is not effective on brown circles that need a treatment based on the peeling provided with the “mesotherapy” technique. In this case, the halos may also be brown and hollow, which makes them need, in a second stage, to be injected with hyaluronic acid to get rid of the annoying brown color and the cavity problem at the same time.

Stages of this treatment:

The treatment with hyaluronic acid takes place in one session, and the results begin to appear immediately at the end of the session, with the final results appearing after a few days to last for several months. In some cases, a second session may be required after a few weeks of the first session. Experts recommend that this treatment be repeated after the first session in a period ranging between 6 and 8 months, depending on the condition of the skin, after which it becomes a routine procedure applied once a year.
Before the session, the doctor conducts a customized consultation to determine the patient's needs, the amount of hyaluronic acid that should be used, the appropriate treatment program, and the possibility of complications. During the session, the skin is cleaned and disinfected, then pictures are taken before and after the injection. The injection process is done with a needle or a special channel equipped with a sponge tip. After that, a cream made of arnica extract is applied to the treated area to avoid any blue marks appearing on it.

Why the demand for this treatment?

This treatment has proven effective in overcoming one of the common cosmetic problems that cause signs of fatigue and sadness to appear on the face. Who among us does not dream of calm and bright looks. The use of a type of hyaluronic acid for this sensitive area of ​​the face has helped in securing good results for this treatment, which is advised to be accompanied in many cases with the injection of the tear duct also with this acid to obtain a balanced result that lasts for a longer period.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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