
Anti-bullying Jonathan Detsen dies.. sets himself on fire, throws himself into the river and becomes a muse

Jonathan Destin, who became an anti-bullying icon at school, died last Saturday, "in his sleep" at the age of 27.
This story caused concern in France, after Jonathan was bullied for 6 years in school and college, and he tried to end his life on February 8, 2011 by setting himself on fire, before throwing himself in a river.
At the time, the young man was 16 years old, and he survived, but his burns remained at 72 percent, and he underwent about 20 surgeries.
To rebuild his character after this tragedy, Destin wrote a book in 2013 called “Condamné à me tuer”, which was turned into a movie in 2018. The young man described his work as “liberation and a way for him to express to his parents what he never said.” Destin helped spread awareness about bullying at school.
The announcement of his death sparked reactions on social media, and the French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Ritaello, said on her Twitter account: "His courageous struggle reminds us that we always need to continue to combat all forms of harassment."

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