pregnant womanHealth

What are the causes of colic in infants?

colic with children Infants Many mothers suffer from fatigue and exhaustion at the beginning of the child’s life, due to the severe crying and screaming spells that a large percentage of newborn children suffer, and this is called infant colic, and it is one of the natural things that shows the growth of the digestive system of the child, but in some Sometimes there is some fear in the mother from the intensity of the continuous crying of the child, and its causes.
Colic is a very severe pain that affects infants from the first week of birth until the age of four months, and its intensity begins to decrease daily until it completely disappears, and the child expresses this pain by continuous screaming and intense crying with the movement of strong limbs and pulling them towards the abdomen, and continuous movement of the hands, accompanied by Vomiting is in very severe and severe cases, and it is difficult for the mother to calm the child using simple, traditional methods.
Causes of colic in infants There are many causes of colic, including:
The presence of air inside the abdomen, as a large part of the air is swallowed during breastfeeding or artificial feeding through milk bottles.
* Maternal smoking during pregnancy and lactation.
* Eating foods that cause gases in the mother, such as legumes of all kinds.
* Consuming a lot of alcoholic and soft drinks.
* Eat foods containing spices.

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