
Everyday habits that could lead to your divorce

Everyday habits that could lead to your divorce

Your simple daily habits that you don't think of may be the cause of the destruction of your marriage and the cause of tension in the relationship between you

1- Speaking badly about the other party:

Talking badly about your husband in his absence is very annoying and will affect your relationship with him. This indicates that you do not respect him.

2- Comparisons:

You should know that your relationship with your husband is completely different from other relationships and it is not permissible to compare them, whether the comparison is between your husband and other men or between your husband’s condition during the days of the engagement and his condition now after marriage, this behavior has a deadly effect on your relationship

3- Not to stop arguing at the right time:

When the quarrel begins, it is difficult for the spouses to stop it, but ending the quarrel at a certain time is easy to solve the problem. The spouses must curb their anger and when they feel that the matter will develop into a good consequence, they must stop immediately and postpone the discussion to another time.

4- Avoid solving problems:

The two parties should seek to solve the problems, but without engaging in sharp and useless discussions, by choosing the appropriate time to talk and searching for a way to solve them.

5- Not accepting the influence of each of you on the other:

Men usually have difficulty accepting the influence of their wives on them and this is due to the extent of his willingness to understand his wife's point of view, while wives are more flexible with the views of husbands, always try to bring the points of view between you two in order to avoid major differences.

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