
Face sculpting exercises

How to give a thinner appearance of the face?

Face sculpting exercises

Facial exercises

Studies have shown that exercises that activate the facial muscles improve the firmness of the skin and tighten the muscle tissue, in addition to burning the accumulated fat in the face. Search on YouTube for useful exercises in this field and apply them on a daily basis to get the best results in the field of slimming the face and maintaining its youth.


A smile provides an opportunity to work the facial muscles and burn fat. It is the best exercise for the cheeks and adds a touch of radiance to the face.

Do cardio exercises

Facial fat is usually caused by a high percentage of body fat. Cardio exercises contribute to burning body fat and thus slimming the face.

Focus on fiber intake

Focusing on fiber intake contributes to curbing appetite and helping to burn fat, thus losing weight, which helps slim the face.

Reducing carbohydrate consumption

Pastries, biscuits, and pastas, if consumed in excess, cause weight gain, as they contain refined carbohydrates. Reducing its intake contributes to weight loss and thus slimming the face.

Drink more water

Several studies have shown that drinking water enhances the feeling of satiety and contributes to weight loss, and that drinking water before food reduces the amount of its consumption remarkably.

enough sleep

The decrease in sleep hours leads to an increase in the proportion of the hormone Alastrec in the body. This situation is accompanied by a long list of side effects, of which weight gain is one. Studies have shown that the high level of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone, increases appetite and affects the process of burning fat in the body. This means that getting enough sleep contributes to reducing weight and slimming the face.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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