pregnant womanHealth

How do you increase the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus?

The fluid surrounding the fetus (amniotic fluid) is secreted from the placenta, and when the placenta gets tired or becomes calcified and prematurely aging, the amount of fluid surrounding the fetus decreases, which affects its growth and movement...
You can increase the amount of fluid surrounding the fetus in case of its deficiency caused by the fatigue and calcification of the placenta by four main steps:

How do you increase the amount of water around the fetus?

1 Good medical monitoring: You cannot initially detect the lack of amniotic fluid without your experienced doctor, follow-up with your doctor, and the frequency of ultrasound to monitor the fluid is very important for the success of your pregnancy and overcoming this problem…
2 Good nutrition: A good balanced diet and meals rich in proteins, iron and calcium increase blood flow through the placenta, and abundant blood flow increases the secretion of amniotic fluid from the placenta.

How do you increase the amount of water around the fetus?

3 Good rehydration: Drinking a lot of fluids (8 glasses of water per day) effectively improves the amount of fluid around the fetus...
4 Good rest: As long as you work and move, the blood goes to your extremities and decreases in the pelvis and stoning. Therefore, rest and side lying makes the blood flow to the uterus, so it is more irrigated and the placenta is irrigated, and the fluid increases.
5 Good medicines: Aspirin 81 mg daily dilutes the blood lightly and makes blood circulation in the placenta better. The general tonic for motherhood increases the minerals and vitamins in the blood and improves the function of the placenta. The antispasmodic relaxes the uterus, reducing pressure on the small uterine arteries that nourish the placenta and increasing blood flow in it.

How do you increase the amount of water around the fetus?

And always remember that most of the disorders associated with pregnancy are reversible, God willing, with treatment and following the doctor’s instructions

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