
How to prevent your muscles from aging?

How to prevent your muscles from aging?

Experts warn against taking the stairs at home or in any building and relying on elevators at a young age, because it can actually accelerate the deterioration associated with aging, leading to a phenomenon now called “single floor legs.”

According to the British “Daily Mail”, the term refers to the progressive weakness of the leg muscles, which often appears in people who have moved to a one-story or ground floor dwelling and live without periodically climbing stairs.

These people lack "continuous, active movement that reinforces specific concerns about accelerated decline" of aging symptoms, says Dr. Carolyn Greig, a specialist in musculoskeletal geriatrics and health at the University of Birmingham.

Curbing physical deterioration

“Climbing stairs is a very good way to maintain or improve muscle tone,” Dr. Gregg explains. If there are a large number of rungs of the ladder, it also provides an unintentional exercise as well.”

How much home directly affects physical deterioration was the subject of a 2018 study in Japan that included more than 6000 people aged 65 or over who lived in a one-story, elevator-accessible home, or House with high staircase, over 3 years.

The findings, published in BMC Geriatrics, reveal that having stairs in the home appears to help curb age-related physical decline.

The solution lies in physical activity

When a person stops doing their usual activities, they lose the ability to do them later, says Victoria Rendell, a physical therapist in Devon who specializes in treating elderly patients. What usually happens among the elderly is that deterioration has already begun before their legs are reduced in size to what are described as 'single-floor legs'. But if climbing stairs is abandoned and physical activity is clearly reduced, then the situation deteriorates at a faster pace.

“Of course, there is some regression when a person gets older, but many movement problems are due to bad movement habits that develop, for example, in people who have a back problem or a bad injury, but the bad habits remain after the problem causing the pain is resolved.” .

“Instead of addressing underlying issues like muscle stiffness or weakness, there is a misconception that it is a result of aging,” she explains. But what is true is that these things can often be addressed. Seeing a doctor who can work on what works or not and keeping the person as active as possible is key.”

The beauty of going up and down stairs is that they engage four major muscle groups and keep major joints strong.

While many people may move out of their homes and buy new bungalows or on the ground floor because they fear falling down stairs, the reduction in muscle strength they can experience as a result of not using stairs may make falls more likely.

“Muscle strength is key to maintaining balance and preventing falls,” Dr. Gregg says. So exercises, taking stairs instead of elevators, and other activities that improve balance when getting out of a chair can reduce falls, so it's important for older adults to stay active.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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