
How do you recover your health as soon as possible when you have the flu?

How do you recover your health as soon as possible when you have the flu?

How do you recover your health as soon as possible when you have the flu?

1- Drink plenty of fluids to reduce mucus and relieve sinusitis

2- Inhaling water vapor or chamomile steam, and taking a hot bath

3- Elevate your head with pillows so the mucus can flow easily through the nasal passages.

4- Eat warm soup

5- Eat foods that contain vitamin C to combat inflammation, such as citrus fruits, non-hot peppers, kiwis and strawberries.

6- Massaging the body, if possible, helps relieve symptoms and obtain complete comfort during the period of illness to help the body regain its health

7- Maintain adequate humidity inside your home.

8- Stay away from allergens Possible exacerbation of the condition

9- Avoid certain foods to reduce mucus, such as dairy products, grains, sugar, potatoes and other starchy root vegetables.

10- Do light exercise daily after recovery

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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