
Hunger cures cancer!!!

Hunger..yes..when the human body is hungry, it eats itself or performs a cleaning process for itself by removing all cancer cells and aging cells. Alzheimer's preserves its youth and fights diabetes, stress and heart diseases.

By forming special proteins that are formed only under certain conditions and when the body makes them, they selectively collect around dead, cancerous and diseased cells and degrade them and return them to a form that the body benefits from.

This is what recycling or “recycling” is like.

Scientists, through long and specialized studies, concluded that the “autophagy” process needs unconventional conditions that force the body to do so.

These conditions are represented in the person abstaining from food and drink for a period of not less than XNUMX hours and not more than XNUMX hours.
And that the person moves in that period and exercises his normal life.
And that this process is repeated for a period of time to reach the body to its maximum benefit and not to give a chance for those cancer cells to reactivate.
During this complete and repeated daily deprivation, they noticed the activity of strange protein particles that they called “autophagisomes”.
They multiply in the tissues of the brain, heart and body and are like giant brooms that feed on any abnormal cell they meet.

The study recommended doing “starvation” or exercising hunger and thirst two or three days a week from XNUMX to XNUMX hours.

Our Holy Prophet used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays of every week. .
This was the subject of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the Japanese scientist Purchinori Ohsumi.

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