In an easy and simple way, make your kitchen spacious and elegant

No matter how big or small the kitchen area, treat storage as an art that should add to the overall look of your kitchen.
Learn how to make attractive use of open shelves and closed cabinets through some of the tips that we review below.

Make a place for items and dishes you use often, so they can be easily accessed. Arrange objects of similar shape and color together. For example, put serving plates together on a separate shelf, cups of tea in another shelf, and soup bowls and teapots in other separate shelves. This way, you can access what you want easily and effortlessly. You also save a reasonable space as a result of the possibility of placing dishes inside each other

Try tapping the ceiling by hanging your frying pan and metal cookware. Try to choose close in shape and color as well to maintain the decor of the kitchen.

As for the drawers, make each of them dedicated to a specific thing. In one of them put hand towels and kitchen towels, a drawer for spoons, forks and knives that you use on a daily basis, a drawer for tools you use to hold hot pots, and a drawer for cleaning surfaces.

Combine the wooden tools you use to make pastries and pies in one drawer so you have easy access to them whenever you want.

Dedicate a drawer for food preparation tools such as lemon and orange juicers, scissors of all kinds, whether for cleaning meat, fish or vegetables, potato peeler, cheese grater, and others. This way, you are guaranteed to find whatever item you need right away without having to search all over the place.

If space is small, use the outer surfaces of upper cabinets as shelves and place spices on them in elegant glass jars.


More shelves on your empty kitchen wall brings out a kind of renovation in the décor and also saves you more space; To store any items or to place accessories that serve the general decor of the kitchen. So feel free to fill the empty spaces in the walls with these shelves

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