
Jumping is the most effective drug to fight osteoporosis

Perhaps you will be surprised, when you know that old women have to jump daily, to avoid injury.Osteoporosis!!

Studies have shown that jumping gives enough force and pressure on the leg and thigh muscles to prevent osteoporosis, which occurs with age.

Dr Galen Montgomery, of Manchester Metropolitan University, who performed the simple exercises on 14 women in their fifties, said: 'These movements are really easy and you can do them at home.boneHopefully, this will encourage more women to take up high-impact exercise.”


During the study, the women got the best results by jumping from the ground to the top, followed by jumping from a 20-centimeter-high box to achieve a higher height.

The study did not measure bone density, but the effect of landing on the ground during exercises was significant, as Dr. Montgomery noted that the effects of these exercises, equivalent to a "net gain" of about 2% of bone mineral density per year, which may be enough to stave off osteoporosis.

The women in the study, whose results were published in the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, jumped once every four seconds, then took a longer rest period, then jumped every 15 seconds.

Accordingly, the study suggested performing 30 jumps three times a week, as this number is able to prevent osteoporosis and becomes more beneficial for women.

And Dr. Montgomery pointed out, “These exercises will only take two minutes, but it is better to reduce the rest period as much as possible.”

Experts explain that older people who care about their health should talk to a doctor before starting to perform these exercises.

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