
Learn the basic steps of successful makeup

Make-up is an art of the arts, and a science in itself, it has a thousand and one door, and experience in it is a prerequisite for its perfection, but what is the Alf B of successful makeup? Today, we will start together

How to apply eye makeup:

Alaboun makeup basics

First, apply a thin layer of concealer on the lower eye area and on the eyelids, until the eyelids become a uniform color.
Choose two colors for the eyelid shadow, one of which is dark and the other light; For example, you can use violet with gold, green with peach, bronze with brown, or yellow with blue.
Apply a light eyeshadow shade to the upper eyelid, especially the inner half.
Apply a dark eyeshadow shade to the outer edge of the upper eyelid.
Use a light eyeshadow to define the inner edge of the eye, then outline the eyes as usual with kohl or mascara.
Put mascara on your eyelashes to give the eyelashes density, and you can use transparent mascara on the eyes to give them a charming shape, or use black mascara to enjoy a wonderful and beautiful look.

Face makeup basics

foundation cream
Some women find it difficult to choose the type of foundation cream and the method of applying the correct foundation, taking into account that it is stable for a long time.

The application of the foundation cream is one of the most important steps of make-up, because it works to unify the color of the skin and hide dark spots on the face and make the skin clear and smooth, and the base cream protects the skin from dust and harmful sunlight.

The most important steps for applying a fixed foundation cream:
The skin must be cleaned well
Then we first use a light moisturizer before applying the foundation cream, wait for it to be absorbed by the skin, and then put a concealer in order to hide the flaws.
Choose a foundation color similar to your natural skin tone or one shade darker than your skin tone
Then we put the foundation cream in the form of dots on the face and neck and it is distributed and spread on the face with fingertips, a custom brush or a sponge, starting from the chin to the top of the face.
If your face has small hairs, use foundation in the direction of hair growth so that it does not appear
If you have oily skin, you can use translucent powder or your skin tone.

red lipstick

Lip makeup basics

Lipstick is the last step in applying makeup.

To have beautiful and attractive lips, follow these tips:

If your lips are full, do not use dark or neutral colors to hide their beauty, and choose bold and beautiful colors.
Choose the color of lipstick that matches your skin tone or the shape of your natural face and the color of your clothes
Use lipstick pencils in shades of pink and peach with eye makeup to highlight the beauty of your lips.

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