Famous People

Maya Diab says I will immigrate from Lebanon

Maya Diab boldly stated that the security situation in Lebanon is no longer bearable and that she will emigrate at the first opportunity, leaving the country that no longer secures the lowest level of security and safety for her and her daughter.

This is how Nancy Ajram responded to those who criticize the killing of her husband, the man

Maya’s words came after the incident of Nancy Ajram, who was subjected to the storming of her house in Kesrouan by a masked one who threatened them with weapons, and then was killed by her husband, after he persisted with the threat, which made Nancy Ajram and her husband subject to legal investigation and long accountability, in addition to the horror they experienced as a family Peaceful on the night of the storming, which called Maya Diab, who is a divorced artist and mother, thinking of emigrating for fear of a repeat of the event with her and stated that she had been exposed to a similar situation for position Nancy Al-Saab does not want to repeat the tragedy again.

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