
New strain of bird flu in China

New strain of bird flu in China

She soon recovered from the new Corona virus, which first appeared in it in December of 2019, until the National Health Committee of China reported, on Tuesday, that a 41-year-old man from Jiangsu Province was confirmed to be the first human case of a strain ( H10N3) from avian influenza.

The committee said in a statement that the man, who lives in Zhenjiang city in the eastern province of China, was taken to hospital on April 28 after developing a fever and other symptoms.

Less infection and low risk of spreading

She added that it was confirmed that he had been infected with the (H10N3) strain of bird flu on May 28, but she had not been exposed to it. She also reported that this strain is relatively less contagious and that the risk of spreading it on a large scale is very low.

In addition, she pointed out that the man's condition is stable to the extent that he can be discharged from the hospital. Medical observation of his contacts did not lead to the presence of new cases of infection.

It is worth noting that China has seen different strains of bird flu, some of which infect humans from time to time, especially those working in the field of poultry.

There are no large numbers of human infections with the H7N9 strain of bird flu, which killed nearly 300 people during 2016 and 2017.

The National Health Committee said that no human case of the H10N3 strain had been reported in the world before.

It is worth noting that the new Corona virus first appeared in December of 2019 in the Wuhan market in China.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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