
Six things that protect you from breast cancer!

Awareness campaigns regarding breast cancer have increased a lot, and despite the spread of the disease, one out of every eight women suffers from breast cancer, but the good news is that the disease is easy to treat if it is detected early and prevented early. How do you protect yourself from this? The malignant disease, today we will ask you six things that greatly protect you from breast cancer,

Breast cancer forms when some cells in the chest begin to grow in an abnormal way, multiply rapidly, and then accumulate, forming a mass like a tumor, and then the cancer begins to spread in the body.

Experts believe that some aspects of a woman's life, in addition to the surrounding environment and genetics, all contribute to an increased risk of breast cancer. Of course, genetic factors cannot be controlled or changed, but lifestyle can be controlled and modified if this will prevent women from contracting one of the most common killer diseases among women.

According to a report published by the Boldsky website, which is concerned with health affairs, there are 6 steps that can prevent a woman from developing breast cancer:

1- Follow a low-fat diet

A low-fat diet helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. Studies have also shown that breast cancer cure rates are much higher among women who follow low-fat diets, compared to women who eat large amounts of fat. Eating healthy fats such as omega-3 reduces the risk of breast cancer by a very large percentage.

2- Breastfeeding

The risk of breast cancer decreases in women who breast-feed their children for more than a year, as breast-feeding causes the breast to secrete milk for 24 hours, which prevents breast cells from growing abnormally.

3- Physical activity

Physical activity usually makes a woman have a healthy body and a healthy mind, as well as reduces the risk of breast cancer. Studies have shown that women who walk for an hour or two every week are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not engage in any physical activity.

4- quit smoking

Women who smoke and those who started the habit from a young age are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not smoke. Studies have also proven that there is a close relationship between smoking and breast cancer, especially in pre-menopausal women. Smoking also hinders the course of treatment for breast cancer.

5- Hormone replacements

Studies have shown that women who take hormone replacement therapies are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not take these treatments.

6- Monthly chest examination

It is very important for any woman to do a thorough examination of her chest every month, to notice any changes or any presence of foreign lumps or tumors. The monthly examination also provides the opportunity for early detection of breast cancer, and thus the increased chances of a full recovery from the disease.

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