
Taking care of your soul and body is your path to positive change

Taking care of your soul and body is your path to positive change

Taking care of your soul and body is your path to positive change

By following the right routine and making sure to make mental changes, one can change the way he thinks, acts, behaviors, and daily habits for the better…

1. Get out of the house for a short while

Studies find that when people spend time outside, they get a better night's sleep. They also found that spending time outdoors helps people feel more creative, productive and mentally better.

With remote work becoming a normal part of life for many, it is very easy to stay at home all day, every day, but going out even for a short period of time at least once a day can help change the way one lives his life. It can also make him feel better, sleep better, and do better at work throughout the day.

2. Some time in nature

Spending time in nature is instinctive for all humans. Numerous studies (including the American Psychological Association) have examined the effects of spending time in nature, which has been shown to have numerous physical and psychological health benefits.

Simply taking short walks in a park or spending the whole day in a big park leads to better concentration, lower stress levels, and a good mood. But if a person cannot go out for any reason, he can bring green spaces inside the house. Studies have shown that spending just 5 minutes in a room with houseplants can make a person feel happier than being in a room without green spaces.

3. A 10-minute retreat

For a person to feel happy in life, it is important that they spend at least some time alone every day. It doesn't have to be long, especially if finding time alone is difficult for him.

However, taking a few moments with oneself each day can be life-changing, as it allows for self-reflection and self-discovery, even if a person does not think about it on purpose.

4. Prepare the clothes in advance

To be successful in life, relationships, and career, a person must be focused and decisive (among many other things). There's a reason many successful business owners prepare and choose their clothes the night before. The results of several studies have drawn attention to a phenomenon called decision fatigue, which essentially means that every decision a person makes throughout the day becomes more and more difficult.

But by deciding what to wear the night before, it reduces the number of decisions he has to make at the start of the day. This step also helps make the morning period more efficient, as it helps you wake up and get ready to go faster.

5. Skin and body care

Having clearer skin makes a person feel more beautiful and self-confident. Taking care of yourself and your body as a whole is one of the best things you can do to make a person feel better in their daily lives.

Exercising, drinking enough water, eating healthy and getting enough sleep can make a big difference in how energetic, happy and healthy you feel.

6. Take care of cuttings

Although taking care of the body is important, the mind must be taken care of as well. Learning something new, big or small, every day can change the way a person thinks, feels, and approaches everyday life.

According to Piedmont Healthcare, learning a new skill boosts self-confidence, makes a person feel happier, and keeps their mind healthy. Ideally, it's best to find a skill that can be developed over time, such as learning a new language, starting a hobby, trying new recipes, reading, or studying academically.

7. Realism about the times

Stop over-promising and under-delivering is one of the essential steps towards living a better life. Getting rid of this habit leads to less stress, anxiety and disappointment. For example, a person should not tell their friends or colleagues that they will get something done tomorrow if they really need another day. And he should not say that he will arrive at the restaurant, for example, at 6 pm if he knows that he is unlikely to arrive on time.

A person's attempt to be realistic in his times and appointments, and to be honest with others, will make him feel self-confidence and self-satisfaction, and gain him more respect from others, which will bring him and them happiness.

8. Romanticize

It can simply be by paying attention to the little things around a person and seeing how attractive they are, whether it's having a cup of coffee in the morning, reading on the subway on the way to work, or opening the blinds to let in the sun. Dealing with attention and focus on simple details will give a feeling of improvement towards oneself and everything that surrounds a person.

Finally, making changes in one's life and building new habits is not always easy, except when breaking things down into small steps and focusing on achievable goals that will help a person reach happiness, stability and satisfaction.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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