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The best way to get rid of weeds

1- Household stickers

To prepare these patches, you need a tablespoon of liquid milk and two sheets of gelatin, cut into small pieces. These two ingredients are placed in the microwave for 15 seconds, and after the gelatin melts and the milk is mixed, wait a little while until it cools, then apply the mixture with a small brush to the places where the zwans are and leave for 15 minutes.

When these patches dry on the skin, they are removed, and you will notice that they have removed the tar and left the skin pure. But for best results, it is recommended to clean the skin and take a home steam bath before applying these patches.

2- lemon juice

The application of lemon juice to the places where the zoo is located in the evening before bed contributes to cleaning the pores, purifying them, and helping to constrict them. It is recommended to apply this treatment once a day for a week to get rid of the tares permanently.

3- Sage steam bath

The steam bath helps open the pores of the skin, while the sage plant activates them. To prepare it, it is enough to boil water and put 5 or 6 sage leaves in it. Then, bend your face over the steam rising from the bowl and cover your head with a towel to set it and make it easier for it to reach the skin, which helps open the pores. Then press your fingers on both sides of the pores to empty their contents of impurities. It is recommended to undergo this treatment once a week.

4- tomato circles

Tomatoes are effective in treating tares. It is enough to cut a tomato into thin circles and apply it to the face during a 20-minute break. After that, the skin is rinsed with lukewarm water and then dried with a cotton towel. It is recommended to apply this treatment daily for two weeks and you will notice that the tares have gradually disappeared. Tomatoes are rich in acidic salts that eliminate impurities, while their content of vitamins contributes to cleansing the skin and getting rid of the tares.

5- green herbs

To prepare a natural, purifying and refreshing lotion for the skin, it is enough to boil half a cup of water, and after removing it from the heat add a handful of parsley, a handful of thyme, and a stick of thyme. Leave this mixture to cool, then filter and store in a clean container to be used as a purifying and refreshing lotion after cleansing the skin. This lotion can be kept for 3 days and helps to eliminate the tartar and makes the skin soft to the touch.

6- A mixture of egg whites and lemon

Egg whites contain an antibacterial enzyme as well as cleansing and purifying molecules. As for lemon, it cleans the pores in depth and contributes to their contraction.

To prepare this mixture, it is enough to beat an egg white to become like snow and then add a few drops of lemon juice to it before applying it to the central area of ​​the face (the forehead, the nose, and the chin), where the lilies usually spread. Leave this mask for 15 minutes on the skin before rinsing it off with lukewarm water, to be applied once a week to get the best results.

7- Carbonate and lemon

This very old recipe was able to prove its effectiveness in eliminating tares. To prepare it, it is enough to put the juice of a lemon in a small bowl and add a few carbonates to it to get a thick paste that is applied to the nose and left for 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water. It is recommended to repeat this treatment once a day to eliminate the zits in the nose area.

8- Salt and olive oil

To prepare a scrub that is very effective in eliminating tares, put two sprinkles of salt in the palm of your hand and add two or three drops of olive oil to them. Massage the areas where the zwan appears with this mixture, then rinse it with cold water. Use this scrub once a week to be able to keep your skin free of blemishes.

 All of these methods have proven to be effective in combating the weeds, and the best way to get rid of the weeds is the method that suits your skin and suits its type.

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