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Trump: Two weeks to decide the fate of the world

US President Donald Trump said, on Monday, that we should not allow the treatment to be worse than the problem itself, in reference to procedures that are being followed to limit the spread of the Corona virus.

And he added in a tweet, on his Twitter account: “At the end of the 15-day period, we will make a decision about which direction to take!”

Corona is the fate of the world

Trump issued new guidelines on March 16 aimed at slowing the spread of the disease after the XNUMX-day period.

Trump had declared a medical emergency in the states affected by Corona, while he said that he was "a little upset" about China's position regarding the spread of the new Corona virus, accusing Beijing again of not sharing important information about the epidemic.

Corona paves the way for a more deadly epidemic

Trump stressed that the Chinese authorities "should have let us know," repeating the phrase "the Chinese virus" that greatly disturbs the Chinese regime.

Trump is the fate of the world

Although he appeared to hold the Chinese authorities some responsibility for the spread of the virus, which was first detected in December in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Trump stressed that he has a very good relationship with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

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