
What are the most important causes of gray hair?

What are the most important causes of gray hair?

What are the most important causes of gray hair?

White hair is one of the signs of aging, but when it appears early, its causes are different. Learn below about the main factors that cause premature graying of hair.

Hair becomes gray or white when melanocytes (responsible for hair and skin color) stop performing their functions. It is a natural mechanism that occurs with age, but it is difficult for some to accept, especially when it occurs early and premature. Premature graying is usually due to reasons that may be difficult to determine, the most common of which are as follows:

genetic factor

When premature aging is common in a particular family, premature graying of hair is one of these manifestations. This situation is usually affected by the role that genes play in regulating and producing melanin. A study carried out in 2018 showed that the first white hairs can appear in people with fair skin from the age of thirty, and this happens a little later in people with dark skin.

Psychological tension

Continuous psychological stress and painful trauma accelerate the aging of the body, according to a study supervised by researchers from the Universities of São Paulo and Harvard in the year 2020. This study showed that stress is responsible for damage to the melanocytes located at the base of the hair follicles, which accelerates the appearance of white hair.


The entire body is exposed to serious damage as a result of smoking, which directly causes premature aging of the skin and hair and thus the appearance of white hair. A study on this topic showed that smokers suffer from gray hair earlier than non-smokers, and according to researchers, the harmful substances found in cigarettes harm the DNA of our cells, including melanocytes. This damage disrupts the natural melanin production process and leads to the appearance of white hair.

Nutrient deficiency

A diet poor in nutrients can accelerate the appearance of white hair. The vitamins that affect this area are B12, D, and E, in addition to minerals such as copper and iron, which directly affect the production of melanin, the pigment color of the skin and hair.

some diseases

Some health problems can cause premature graying, including three:

Vitiligo: It is a skin disease in which some areas of the body lose their color, causing white spots to appear. Vitiligo also affects the hair and causes it to bleach.
Autoimmune diseases: These diseases affect the body's immune response, leading to damage to melanocytes that affect melanin production.
Thyroid disorders: Changes in thyroid hormone levels, especially deficiency, can affect various body functions, including hair health and premature aging.

Exposure to pollutants

The causes of premature graying can be external, including excessive exposure to pollutants in general (car emissions, industrial pollutants, heavy metals, chemicals...) all of which lead to damage to the cells that produce melanin and accelerate the appearance of premature white hair. Therefore, it is recommended to stay away as much as possible from sources of premature graying. This pollution and adopting a healthy lifestyle that preserves youth for as long as possible.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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