
What is brain calcification and what are its symptoms?

What is brain calcification and what are its symptoms?

What is brain calcification and what are its symptoms?

Brain calcification - also called (Fahr's Syndrome) - is a rare condition in which calcium usually accumulates in the basal ganglia in the brain, which are the cells responsible for movement, in addition to affecting some other parts of the brain as well.

Symptoms of brain calcification

The ages of people with calcification of the brain often range from 30 to 60 years, and symptoms range from:

1- Symptoms of kinetic immobility steadily.

2- Speak more slowly than usual.

3- Difficulty swallowing. Involuntary movement of the arms or legs muscle spasm.

4- Stiffness of the arms and legs.

5- A jerk.

6- Mental and psychological symptoms of poor concentration.

7- Poor memory.

8- Mood changes.

9- Psychosis.

10- Dementia.

11- Fatigue.

12- Migraine headache.

13- Dizziness.

14- Inability to control urine.

Causes of brain calcification

Brain calcification often occurs with age, what is the reason?

In many cases, brain calcification is caused by genes passed on to you from your parents, and you need only one defective gene from one parent to develop the disease. Your parents may have symptoms of it, and sometimes they don't.

Calcium buildup in the basal ganglia can also be caused by an infection or problems with the parathyroid gland. Scientists are still looking for other reasons that may lead to the occurrence of this disease.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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