
What is the best solution for each skin problem?

Stop agreeing on ointments, and switch from medicine to food, for your food is your medicine, for in nourishing your skin lies the solution to all the problems that you can suffer from, let us review today all skin problems and what is the appropriate food to prevent, avoid and treat this form!
To prevent lines and wrinkles

Preventing the appearance of lines and wrinkles is an essential way to maintain a youthful appearance for as long as possible, and the focus in this case should be on two groups of foods that must be available in all our meals:

• Proteins:

Collagen and elastin are known to be two types of protein that our skin manufactures to maintain its firmness and suppleness, and that as we age, the skin’s ability to produce these substances decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Recent studies have shown that eating foods rich in proteins provides our skin with a group of amino acids that help it produce more collagen and elastin, and that a lack of proteins accelerates the skin aging mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of eating proteins in all our daily meals, and we usually find them in fish, chicken, eggs, soybeans, vegetables, and nuts.

• Antioxidants:

Our skin is constantly exposed to the aggressions of free radicals caused by sunlight, pollution, smoking… These radicals break down the collagen and elastin that are present in our skin, causing the appearance of early signs of aging.

Studies show that focusing on antioxidants helps neutralize free radicals. Hence the importance of focusing on eating foods rich in vitamin C (lemon, kiwi, spinach, red pepper), vitamin E (vegetable oils, almonds, sunflower seeds), flavonoids (broccoli, strawberries, grapes, parsley), in addition to the available turmeric and lycopene. in tomatoes.
To obtain the benefits of antioxidants, it is necessary to pay attention to how food is prepared, as vitamin C is very sensitive to heat that loses its effect, and therefore it is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables rich in it raw. The nutrients in broccoli only retain their potency if they are steamed, and the lycopene in tomatoes increases their potency when they are cooked.

Olive oil plays an effective role in delaying the manifestations of aging when added to the authorities, provided that it is kept in dark containers and not exposed to heat before eating.

• Reduce your intake:

Sweets, white bread, soft drinks, rice, pasta, ice cream...these foods raise blood sugar quickly, causing damage to collagen fibers and accelerating the appearance of early wrinkles.

To prevent acne:

The prevention of acne is directly related to our diet, and it is done by focusing on eating the following elements:

• Fiber:

Sudden changes in the blood sugar level lead to an imbalance in the hormonal secretions responsible for the production of the oily layer secreted by the skin to moisturize its surface and protect itself. Excessive secretions lead to closing the pores of the skin and cause acne. Therefore, it is recommended in this regard to reduce the intake of foods that contain added sugar and refined starches and replace them with foods rich in fiber such as cereals, artichokes, and oats.

• Zinc:

Tests have shown that people who suffer from acne, also suffer from low levels of this mineral. Zinc plays an anti-inflammatory role and helps prevent acne. It is mainly available in oysters, veal, and cashews.

• Reduce your intake of:

Cow's milk if you are predisposed to acne. Studies have shown that milk in general and cow's milk in particular contains hormones that can cause acne.

To prevent dry skin:

Dry skin needs special care due to its lack of moisturizing elements. Provide her with her need for hydration in this area by focusing on eating the following nutrients:

• Omega-3 fatty acids:

Studies show that the secret of healthy skin is in maintaining the rate of hydration secured by the fatty membranes that surround its cells. However, aging is always associated with a decrease in the proportion of these fats that are responsible for the radiance of the skin, and its enhancement is through eating the fatty acids available in fatty fish and nuts.

• Probiotics and Prebiotics:

Probiotics are types of beneficial bacteria that are present in our gut, while prebiotics are types of starches that feed these bacteria. Research indicates that these good bacteria improve the quality of our skin and reduce its sensitivity to external aggressions, and we find them in milk and soybeans. As for prebiotics, we can get them when eating onions, garlic, and asparagus.

• Reduce your intake of:

Coffee, as it plays the role of a diuretic, which causes our body to lose fluids and increases the dryness of the skin. The focus should be on eating water, juices, and herbal infusions that maintain the hydration of the body and the skin from the inside.

To prevent the appearance of lifeless skin:

Maintaining the radiance of the skin depends on many factors, including the nutritional factor, which forces us to focus on the following elements:

• Vitamin A:

This vitamin plays a key role in the mechanism of cell renewal and maintaining youthful skin. To secure our need, it is recommended to eat yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in beta-carotene, which our body converts into antioxidants.

• Polyphenols:

Our skin contains very thin blood vessels that are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to it. And when these vessels are strong and wide, our skin gets its need of oxygen and nutrients, so it looks brighter. The polyphenols found in dark chocolate, grapes, and berries help dilate these tiny arteries, thus keeping the skin looking radiant.

• Reduce your intake of:

Fries and fast food that contain fats activate the production of free radicals and accelerate skin aging.

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