pregnant womanHealth

When do you choose a cesarean delivery?

It is not easy, especially in the midst of all the pressures and fears that surround the mother before the arrival of the new baby, as she is tired physically and psychologically, and she really does not have the courage to make such a decision. Secondly, natural childbirth is the most correct, but what if it is part of the danger to your life or the life of the fetus, let us continue together today with everything you need to know about caesarean section. Julius Caesar, who was the first child to be exhumed from his mother's womb alive after her death.

When do you choose a cesarean delivery?

But there is other research that says that the caesarean section is attributed to the cesarean law, which began in an era when Julius Caesar was not present, but rather the motives were religious, as the fetus had to be extracted from its mother’s womb to be buried separately for each one of them.

The caesarean section developed by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus after applying a local or total anesthetic, according to the condition of the pregnant woman, to extract the child when natural childbirth was not possible, or there was a danger to the life of the mother and fetus.

When do you choose a cesarean delivery?

According to a recent study, cesarean deliveries are on the increase, especially in the last three decades, as most women prefer them to avoid the pain of natural childbirth or to avoid the expansion of the vagina, or the desire to have a child on a certain date.

But these reasons are not the real motives that lead to a caesarean section, but there are more dangerous mechanisms than that, which is a sudden rise in the mother’s pressure, the length of labor and the ineffectiveness of the birth divorce, in addition to the increase in the size of the fetus, which leads to a previous rupture. uterine muscle, as well as changing the position of the fetus or its reversal in its mother’s womb, for other reasons.

When do you choose a cesarean delivery?

Although most women prefer a cesarean section, the risks are many and are represented by bleeding during the operation, with the possibility of rupture of the woman’s uterus if the births are repeated in the same way, which will result in a hysterectomy, in addition to the transmission of some diseases such as liver diseases, without excluding The risk of the baby developing breathing problems that require special care after birth to be able to recover.

Most doctors do not recommend this operation unless it is very necessary, and it is better for the mother to prepare morally from the beginning of her pregnancy for the idea of ​​natural birth, without thinking about her pain, and to be careful to choose a doctor who encourages this type of birth.

Doctors also advise pregnant women to walk regularly in the ninth month, to help her open the cervix, to facilitate natural childbirth, taking into account her nutritional regulation throughout pregnancy.

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