
When should you stop helping people?

When should you stop helping people?

When should you stop helping people?

Helping others is one of the most important noble and humane deeds that bring a person high self-satisfaction, and raise a person’s status among people.

But in some cases, help is harmful to you and others:

When you are not asked 

The basic principle is that you pay attention to yourself, purify it, and establish it, and it is not your job to guide all people, so you lose your focus and you may seem intrusive.

When you are being used 

Some people just want to take, even when they don't need this help and have the ability to do it themselves, but they take advantage of your kindness and love to help and give.

The person does not benefit 

Sometimes you insist that you benefit the other, especially if this person is close to you or you care about him, but the other person does not benefit from you, maybe his stage does not allow you, or your style is incomprehensible to him, rest assured that this matter does not harm you.

at the expense of yourself 

Remember that you have a life and goals that you strive for. If you neglect them and do not improve for them and are preoccupied with reforming people only and fixing their conditions, then you will become a burden on society. If you have a surplus of knowledge, time, and money, spend it with what benefits you first.

When you hurt the other 

Providing assistance with a template that is always ready for people without leaving them room for thinking and research, especially your children / brothers / employees

It is as if you make them dependable personalities depending on you and clinging to you, and this is something that harms them and does not benefit them.


Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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