
Why should you take a cold shower?

Some of us bathe in lukewarm water, others in hot water, and very few in cold water, and although some say that bathing in cold water may cause the heart to stop, but it remains the best water in which you can shower, why, let's follow together the reason for this the report

1- Get up quickly
A cold shower in the morning beats a cup of coffee. It is one of the most stimulating activities that you can do in the morning.
Also, a cold shower in the morning does not lead to any negative side effects, unlike coffee, which leads to a lack of caffeine in the body.

2- Reduce stress and boost metabolism
If a person has a lot of stubborn belly fat, a cold shower is the solution, as an exercise that helps improve metabolism.
While a cold shower in the morning may seem stressful, at the cellular level, it is a relaxing exercise that reduces oxidative stress.
In fact, as soon as you finish the cold shower, you enter into a state of "sympathetic relaxation", that is, the state of rest and relaxation in the body.
As for metabolism, quickly immersing the body in cold temperatures encourages the conversion of unhealthy white fat into fast-burning brown fat.

3- Improve blood circulation
The cold water also stimulates the flow of blood and lymphocytes toward the deeper vessels of the organs, helping the body to remove waste more efficiently. It improves natural immunity and heart health.
At the same time, staying in cold water for a long time is not a good behavior, because you negatively affect the circulation of blood in the extremities, but it can be a useful habit if it is repeated in moderation to reach a very good health condition.

4-Improve the natural immune function
In addition, moderate exposure to cold temperatures boosts the natural immune system by increasing the number of disease-fighting white blood cells in our bodies.

5-Improve skin and hair health
While hot water destroys hair and delicate skin, especially if it is a repetitive daily routine and at high temperatures, cold water leads to closing the pores, which means that the skin retains a greater part of its natural healthy oils, and the hair gets a natural luster and luster.

6- Reduce inflammation and speed up recovery
Many of us know that professional athletes take ice baths regularly, because the cold water suppresses the production of lactic acid and slows down inflammation, the presence of which results in muscle fatigue and inflammation. Practical experiences, on the basis of which this exercise is popular, have proven to reduce pain and inflammation within 4 days.

7- Treating depression
There is nothing like cold water in shocking the system. According to research, taking a cold shower stimulates the center of the main source of noradrenaline (also called norepinephrine), which can help relieve symptoms of depression. The cold water also causes the sensitive nerve endings in the skin to send “a massive amount of electrical impulses from the peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which can lead to an antidepressant effect.”
In fact, some researchers claim that regular cold showers can be more effective than antidepressants, although more research is needed.

8. Environmental protection
In addition, the fewer hot showers, the less the heater is used, which runs less, which means less oil, gas or electricity is used.
It may sound simple in itself, but reducing the use of fossil fuels by any amount is a positive step towards preserving the environment.
scottish bath
Those who want to get the benefits of taking a cold shower, but can't stand it, should try the Scottish bathing technique, i.e. start with a hot shower and then, 20-30 seconds before finishing, turn the water into cold. This method gives all the benefits of a cold shower with less discomfort.

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