
Your reality is a reflection of what is inside you. Tips for awareness

Your reality is a reflection of what is inside you.. Tips for change

Your reality is a reflection of what is inside you.. Tips for change
Your behavior ascends to heaven to return to you a similar destiny.
Create peace within yourself to reap it in your surroundings.
- The rise of your positive energy will bring you a positive amount.
Wherever you go, you find what is inside you in front of you.
Arrange your interior the way you want to see your surroundings.
- Collect the best and worst qualities in yourself, these are your friendships.
● Your job is to be attuned to what's inside you.
“The saddest job is a miner, then a policeman, and the happiest job is a librarian” (according to a study).
● Your body reacts to your inner fears.
Your body is an unconscious mirror of your inner feelings.
● How do you know what's inside you?!.
Method XNUMX: Symptoms of the body (in illness) show you what is inside.
● Watch your words as they program your mind, and your body responds to them.
Method XNUMX: Observe your environment and those around you to discover what is going on inside you.
●- Personality detection exercise
XNUMX. Choose your favorite animal.
XNUMX. Mention XNUMX qualities that made you choose him.
XNUMX. Actually you have been talking about yourself.
Your driving style (car) is a practical translation of your personality!
The arrangement of your library, drawers, and files is a reflection of what is inside you.
Leaders, a reflection of their people. “As you are, he will be in charge of you.” Ibn Taymiyyah.
● What's inside?!.
Beliefs, thoughts, fantasies, feelings.
If the idea is strengthened and strengthened, it becomes a belief, then it is strengthened and becomes a certainty.
There are ideas that come from within, and there are ideas from outside, directly or indirectly.
Believing information turns it into an impression.
Idea = energy
Always prepare to reject negative thoughts.
From XNUMX to XNUMX thoughts come to mind every day.
XNUMX% to XNUMX% of these thoughts are negative.
The idea does not produce a result, your acceptance of the idea makes it a belief, so it gives a result.
False beliefs = negative destiny.
● Sit with yourself and discover your beliefs and convictions.
Your feelings fuel your behavior.
● Imagination is more important than knowledge, and silence is more powerful than imagination.
● Enlightenment is that you can stop thinking when you decide to.
● Deep in the silence you find all the answers.
● The moment is the only reality, the past and the future is an illusion.
● Your inner silence is the real solution to problems
● Your focus on one task, the reason for your success.
● How do you live in the moment? Do the thing with XNUMX% focus.
Eliminate the past and future from the idea, live in the now.
Master the silence, every day for a little while, live without a thought.

Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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