
Four ways to get rid of bad breath

Four ways to get rid of bad breath

Apple cider vinegar

You can use apple cider vinegar, which acts as an antiseptic that prevents bacteria in the mouth from growing, thus reducing bad breath.

For this, drink one tablespoon of vinegar before eating.


Clove is one of the effective tools in combating this problem.

In addition to being one of the spices used to add flavor to many recipes, it is also famous for being a pain reliever, especially toothache, but its benefit is not limited to that, as it has many other benefits, most notably removing the bad smell of the mouth quickly.

You can use it after roasting gently, and then chewing it.


Citrus fruits can be resorted to, as the fruits of lemons, oranges, and others contain acid that helps prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth. For this, a little salt can be mixed with a teaspoon of lemon or orange juice.

Then the mixture is set aside for a period of time, and then the teeth can be washed with it before bed at night, which leads to the elimination of mouth odor and sensitivity.

You can also chew lemon and orange peel.


In addition to all of these previous quick and easy solutions, licorice can also be chewed daily, which also rids you of the unpleasant smell problem, in addition to its other benefits such as treating anemia and relieving intestinal cramps resulting from the use of some types of laxatives.

Licorice is also soothing to the stomach and intestines, and is also used in the treatment of rectal schistosomiasis, because the soapy substances in it help to kill schistosomiasis eggs.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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