
Here are five important secrets to improving your life

Here are five important secrets to improving your life

Here are five important secrets to improving your life

stop saying yes 

Do not say “yes” at the expense of your comfort and self-love. Practice saying “no” to have your own strength and you will find that things in general have begun to improve.

Avoid self-flagellation 

You will not live happily without self-love.. A person who does not love himself will not deserve what is beautiful.

Be conscious of your words to yourself and make sure that they are kind and positive… Treat yourself with tenderness.

Avoid feelings of poverty 

Poverty is feelings and abundance is feelings.. Some people have the pleasure of thinking about what they lack and do not exist. Excessive thinking and focusing on what is not available creates a feeling of poverty..

Focus on your inner wealth and leave out the outer poverty, because it hurts everyone who clings to it.

Avoid getting attached 

A person who is attached to people, material things, or outcomes is someone who connects his happiness outside and will not reach true happiness

Because a large part of happiness is made inside and does not come to you from outside.

Attachment is complicated because of its connection to emotional trauma, so to avoid getting attached you have to work on the inside a lot

Where does attachment to people originate and why is the situation repeated?

Avoid destroying your entitlement 

90% of your life and your relationships and what you live and what will come to you is your entitlement and you are the one who made it.. so many people unconsciously create a negative entitlement for themselves and destroy their entitlement...


Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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