
Love at first sight .. Reality or illusion?

You're looking at the other end of the room and she's standing there, beautiful and impressive. That's it, you're giving up, now and in this moment you've fallen in love at first sight and won't let it leave. Love at first sight usually occurs due to external factors and does not always develop into a long-term relationship.

Love at first sight, romantic and addictive!
Love at first sight is perhaps the most romantic thing that can happen to anyone. Love at first sight makes people lose their minds and reason within a few seconds.

Love at first sight .. Reality or illusion?

Love at first sight is a feeling so strong that sometimes it's hard to control and it can happen anywhere, anytime - on the bus, on the street, or when you see a pretty face on the other end of the room.

People who have not experienced love at first sight for themselves, may not believe that it is possible. There are also some skeptics who say that feeling love at first sight is actually just attraction or liking. These people refuse to believe that they can fall in love with another person within seconds of their eyes meeting.
Do you believe in the feeling of love at first sight? Some scientists who have studied the human brain and brain activity suggest that love at first sight is actually possible, but that anyone can believe whatever they want to believe. There are also people who have experienced love at first sight, that wonderful moment of falling in love. They say that the moment they raised their heads and their eyes met their life partner, they knew immediately that they were looking at the knight or princess of their dreams.

Love at first sight .. Reality or illusion?

Psychologists say that the feeling of love at first sight depends on our psychological conditions at the moment of falling in love. Sometimes we fail to discern the charming eyes that look at us, and at other times they affect us deeply. Psychologists also say that it takes about 30 seconds to fall in love, or to be more precise, for us to decide that someone is attractive and a potential spouse. By the way, psychologists also claim that men fall in love first.

Studies show us that there are visible aspects of mating. It shows us that people are able to quickly communicate physical traits when they are looking for their life partner. In a recent study conducted at the University of Florida, students were given pictures of handsome or normal people and they looked at them for only one minute, and then they were asked to look at other things. The reaction time was measured, and then the psychologists determined that half a minute was enough time for the students to decide whether the person was attractive or not. The researchers also noted that the students focused on the pretty faces for more than half a minute and more than the allotted time.

Love at first sight .. Reality or illusion?

Beautiful people are preferred over others in a romantic relationship, but this does not necessarily mean that the relationship with them will be good. Many factors are taken into account when love falls at first sight. First of all, the willingness of both parties to do so. Therefore, the possibility of love at first sight is less when tired, depression or other problems.

In addition, it is not preferable to fall in love with very beautiful people quickly. It is true that you can fall in love with them more but these people are also used to receiving a lot of attention because of their appearance and not necessarily being nice and responsive to you to start a relationship. It is also possible that these people will not notice the person who is trying to start a relationship with them.

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