family worldRelations

Seven women are hated and loathed by men, and the ugly is not one of them, so who are they?

We receive many complaints, which talk about a husband deserting his wife, the fiancé abandoning his bride, the lover ignoring his girlfriend’s calls and then separating from her. The reason for him to stay away from you is you, yes you, without you even realizing it.

We differ in each other as women in the external and psychological characteristics, so from us the tall ones and the medium ones and the short ones, the blonde and brunette ones, the wheatish ones, the calm ones and the lively ones, but all of these things that distinguish you from other women are acceptable to a man with the exception of a few characteristics, which may distance him from you to the point of abandonment. What are these qualities, and how should you avoid them so that you do not lose the love of your life and your partner through thick and thin?

Don't be one of these seven women and things will remain fine.

1- The money-loving woman:

She is the one who only cares about money, a comfortable life, and the love of precious gifts and jewelry
And always looking at the size of the wealth and the money that the husband hoards without paying attention to him and taking care of him
And on his person and his happiness, and thus loses with it a sense of comfort, safety and confidence in the future.

A man loves the one you love for his person, for his strength, and not for his money, for he despises this type of woman.

2- The traitorous woman:

It is the ugliest characteristic that can describe a woman, for betrayal for a man is a wound that has no cure, whose excuses are difficult to accept or be convinced of.
A man often suspects a woman or girl who resorts to betraying her husband or fiancé
And leaving another love away from him, even if it is the same as the new love.

3- The Nukadian woman:

And who among us feels that she is grumpy, but your husband feels that, so be careful, get out of the life of drama and constant problems.
And do not give things more than their size and avoid the actions of your husband that he is always wrong and that her right is lost with him and she is wronged
with him.

4- Beautiful idiots:

A beautiful and beautiful woman attracts men strongly at first, but as soon as he discovers how stupid she is, miles and miles away from her, she does not think about what she is doing, so she expects herself and her husband in many embarrassing situations.
She invites him to leave.

5- The woman obsessed with marriage:

The man loves a life of freedom, but this woman does not feel anything but restrictions and servitude.
From spinsterhood and does not care about a man's personality and love and is only looking for joy and dress
A change in lifestyle without joint planning.

6- Over-attached women:

A man, by nature, loves a sedate girl who masters her feelings to arouse his interest.
Not the one who casts shadows of her feelings on him day and night, or the one that relates to him more than what is supposed
To the point of blocking him all the time and calling him all day without justification.

7. A woman who cries all the time:

She is the woman who uses the weapon of tears and heartbreak all the time to achieve her demands.
The man is forced to achieve what she wants to escape the miserable situation in which he lives, but he hates it
And he hates her tears if the situation continues in the same way, as she makes him feel that he is unable to make her happy, and destroys in himself the image of his masculinity.

If you have one of these traits, avoid it before your husband avoids you.

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